Adjusting To Altitude

The C Lazy U ranch is at an altitude of almost 9,000 feet and this can throw people for a slight loop. We want to make sure that everyone has a great time, so we’d recommend taking a few steps to make sure you’re ready to party on Saturday.

  1. Water, water and more water! Then have some water. Seriously, this is the biggest step you can take to enjoy your time in the Rockies. The air is thinner and dryer at this height and you should make sure you are consuming plenty of water to keep the body hydrated. It’s common to not feel thirsty while up this high, but this is one of those cases where you should ignore what your body is telling you.

  2. Take it easy for the first 24 hours. Most people will adjust quickly to the altitude but it’s important to not strain yourself early on. There are a lot of great outdoor activities, but be careful with overly strenuous activities like long runs and epic hikes.

  3. Almost as important as H20, is making sure you get a good night’s rest. Restless sleep is a common occurrence at any altitude above 1,000 feet. This is caused by the air being thinner and dryer. Two tricks to combat insomnia are using a saline nasal spray and sleeping on your side. If neither of those options work for you then you might want to consider a sleep aid.

  4. Eat. Good news for those of you counting calories, your body will burn more calories at high altitude. To compensate, it’s recommended you eat plenty of carbs to make sure you stay fueled up. Also, it’s likely that your appetite will be suppressed so make sure you’re eating, even if you don’t feel hungry.

  5. Watch your boozing. It’s a common misconception that you get more intoxicated at higher altitudes, but the truth is that alcohol is just exasperating the symptoms of altitude on your body. This means dehydration and comprised equilibrium double down when you introduce alcohol. The best way to combat these issues is to double down on hydration. If you normally space your drinks with a glass of water, then we’d recommend two and such.

  6. Sunscreen and lip balm. We are closer to the sun and have less atmospheric protection from UVs, so it’s a good idea to use some SPF. Nothing will knock you down a peg like a bad sunburn. The dry air can also lead to dry skin and lips so it’s a good idea to keep moisturized.

  7. Did we mention water? Seriously, drink lots of water.


There are also a few tricks you can try in advance to minimize the time it takes your body to adjust.

  1. Eat an iron rich diet, such as red meat, beginning a week prior to the wedding. This will increase the oxidation rate of your blood and will aide in the adjustment.

  2. Aerobic exercise. Let’s face it, none of us are getting younger and exercise is always a good idea but it’s especially helpful if you’re going to be at an increased elevation. Aerobic strength will help you breath easier and feel normal quicker.